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Is there any way the memo private key can be exported to a mobile wallet so payments can be tracked in e.g. wallet?
En Fri Mand
replied 2386d
You can import it into Electron Cash.
replied 2386d
Could you do Memo > Electron Cash > Mobile wallet (e.g. ?
En Fri Mand
replied 2386d
I think, I don't understand exactly what you mean. You want to import Memo wallet into Electron Cash and then move the money to a wallet?
replied 2386d
I just want to load it into a copay type wallet e.g., but as far as I can see these wallets only import mnemonic phrases
En Fri Mand
replied 2386d
I had the same problem. I have it in Electron Cash on my Android though, but if you use iOS, you can't do that.
replied 2386d
Why? To get it on mobile? Just use EC when on desktop, copay type wallets on desktop suck.
replied 2386d
yes for mobile :) np i'll think of something