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1965d · memo
Memo Chain Comparison Dashboards (Timelines) On main site (green): 1st, 7th, and 9th memo using unsplit coins. 2nd-6th and 8th using ABC, thus not on SV. 👍 #hashwar #memoAnd this, ladies and gentlemen, is how an unsplit-coin reply to a split-coin post looks.

On the opposite site, it i as if I was replying to thin air!
replied 1964d
I post statistic record everyday. I find that `the number of new txs posted on abc chain everyday` always equals to the number on main site. Which means that nobody post SV only txs.
replied 1964d
test reply
replied 1965d
Ha! Apparently I erred on chain…

1st, 7th, and 10th memo using unsplit coins. 2nd-6th and 8th-9th using ABC coins. Thus not on SV site.

4th memo on SV is 10th on ABC & main site.