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replied 2378d
Not to mention youve moved goal posts “Evolution implies the creation of new codes and we are never witnessing that”. I showed experimental evidence of new codes being observed.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2378d
There's a difference between seeing a three letter word in your alphabet soup and a paragraph describing in detail how to make more alphabet soup.
replied 2378d
Lol I know I tend to write paragraphs here. Not the most efficient. 🙃
replied 2378d
even if those three letters allow you access to a new environment/niche? would be more efficient to only use three letters if three letters will do. why waste a paragraph?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2378d
I'm talking about your primordial RNA soup of course.
replied 2374d
Think trashposter was complaining that only a few letters changed to allow the ecoli to live in high antibiotic environment.
replied 2374d
oh ok, getting confused btw the ecoli & RNA. The self replicating RNA a paragraph which could make more soup. One of the simplest examples of something that could be considered alive.
replied 2378d
I'm sorry if you can't find the distinction between simple code adjustements and complex interdependant new set of coding.
replied 2378d
I wouldn't judge the magnitude of the change on the number of letters changed. should consider function.