The logic error is in thinking that a single abusive prison guard necessarily means that all prison guards are inherently bad. That's the same collectivist thinking as a racist.
I'm not disputing that. That's not a good reason to eliminate prisons. The proper question seems to be - how do we collectively hire good/moral/fair/humane prison guards?
Irrelevant to the discussion. We're talking about how to morally deal with people who refuse to conform to the larger societies agreed upon rules. It's not as simple as *do nothing*.
Except this is like saying, that just because one virus is bad doesnt mean that all diseases are bad. Prisions system are bad, and prision guards are inheritly bad.
Correct. It also doesn't mean I'm wrong. That's why it's fallacious. Eintstein saying THAT nationalism is bad says nothing about WHY it's bad. His views on socialism say a lot more.
Roger was imprisoned and psychologically abused by individuals he perceived to be the arm of a nation. In truth, those people had no interest in the well-being of the USA.