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2188d ·
Spamming the blockchain is not going to add value to BCH. We need natural velocity.
replied 2188d
Definition of spam is irrelevant or inappropriate, the stresstest is neither. The ST is showcasing BCH capacity, proving to merchants BCH does scale, this will bring Natural Velocity.
replied 2188d
when I learned the definition of 'spam' , that was an a'ha moment,
paying to transact is more like an assurance that the system functions as designed,
to prove it works.
replied 2188d
Load testing is a normal part of development of network service technology. These tests have been done in development instances, but we need to do it in production as well.
replied 2188d
It looks like you're in the wrong topic.
replied 2188d
Define "natural".
replied 2188d
not spam
replied 2188d
a 'not' is a not,
a definition is a definition.
In your book,
what is natural?
what is spam?