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2184d ·
i am going to burn 0.005 BCH on at block 538450 (i'll start the fan tx as soon as we reach that height). anyone wants to join?
replied 2184d
I'll tweet this out, see if there are any takers :)
replied 2183d
I don't have the time to join you guys, been quite busy recently. Here's my contribution for future whatever it is you guys are doing lol.
replied 2183d
hey thanks @modulus, this will be put to great use.... I'm sure a little tribute can be made for these transactions in your honour... I'll take a snapshot :))))
replied 2184d
two takers if that's around 10 hours from now? Yes?
replied 2184d
yes -- see reply to esthon's post below!
replied 2184d
I will join, 10 h from now, ok?
replied 2184d
we can't know exactly at what time block 538450 will be. we are currently at 538394, so yes, 56 more blocks at 10 min/block avg. will prob. be around 9-10 hours from now.
replied 2184d
I'm already burning BCash filling the blocks with my shit.
replied 2184d
How can you burn an implementation?
replied 2184d
just burning a little BCH ... spending a few bucks on transactions, for the sake of transacting (and testing).
replied 2184d
To be clear, it is not "burning" the fees paid go to miners. Burning is sending bitcoin to a black hole address, that is not the same thing.
replied 2184d
right. i was thinking of burning cash, but in crypto that means a different thing, as you note.
replied 2184d