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replied 2343d
Sk8eM dUb
I have been making happiness my default feeling for the past year and I can promise you that it is not mundane and it has only enriched my life. Life is better when you Feel Happiness
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2343d
Maybe you'll have to define it better. I think thankfulness, contentedness etc. are precursors to occasional happy moments. You can still be sad/disappointed but choose to be thankful.
replied 2343d
I do agree with what you said though about “you can be sad/disappointed but choose to be thankful”.
Very true
replied 2343d
Being sad/disappointed can happen but holding onto that feeling is where the problems occur. Being thankful/content can happen and holding onto that is where happiness occurs.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2343d
When bad things inevitably happen in your life choosing to be happy about it is pathological. Someday your parents are going to die. Friends will betray you. You need a better plan.
replied 2343d
Bad things will always happen, sure, but focusing on the bad only makes it worse. Finding the good within the bad brings better perspective/insight. It’s not pathological at all.
replied 2343d
When my parents eventually die, I will be grateful and happy for the many wonderful years we shared. When a friend betrays me I can be happy for all the joys we shared & hope them well