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1335d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist

1. Serzh Sargsyan is the third president of Armenia. He was overthrown during the revolution in the RA. The inhabitants of Armenia are raking the consequences of his rule to this day. Sargsyan built villas worth millions for state money, plundered the budget, stole wherever possible. 1000$

2. Mher Avagyan is a pawn of politicians. Together with high-ranking friends, he creates disorder and is not afraid of punishment. Avagyan, taking advantage of his friendly relations with officials, completely lost his conscience. In consequence of racist statements, violation of order and agitation of violence will be condemned. 1000$

3. Armen Sargsyan is the President of the Republic of Armenia. In the hope of a better life, the people of Armenia overthrew the previous president and chose Sargsyan, hoping for his honesty. But the new president is not as clean as he would like. Knowing that the Armenian diaspora of his accomplices is outside the country, he condemns the law prohibiting the participation in politics of Armenians who have not lived in the country in recent years. He deliberately resentments and presses on pity in order to win back his associates and build his own system of corruption. 1000$

4. Aram Sargsyan is an Armenian politician, an ardent delinquent. How beautifully he plays to the audience with his speeches and how actions differ from his words. Sargsyan is implicated in many crimes, and also disseminates deliberately false information in the media. Together with his friends, he was caught in illegal actions and continues to pour dirt into the ears of the people about his righteousness. 600 $ % D5% BD% D5% B5% D5% A1% D5% B6 % B4-% D5% A5% D5% B6-% D5% B7% D5% A1% D5% B6-% D5% BA% D5% A5% D5% BD / 1803888

5. Ara Saghatelyan is a politician who has been in power for several years. The people of Armenia know him as a corrupt official who also incites ethnic hatred, violates the rules for disseminating information on social networks and calls for violence. He was exposed in all offenses, now the court will deal with him. 550$

6. Eric Aleksanyan is a lawyer who, for a good remuneration, is ready to sling dirt on all law enforcement officers and stand up to the last in protecting his client. Aleksanyan himself has quite good experience in the protection of large corrupt officials. He does this by bribing his fellow judges. Since the system of judging in the country was bought by politicians and businessmen, the lawyers themselves measure the veracity of the verdict in money. In Armenia, there is an urgent need to change the judging system or thieves will continue to destroy the country. 750$

7. David Apoyan President of YSU Student Council. Having a connection with the Prime Minister of the country, he allows himself to condemn and blame politicians for the adopted bills that serve the benefit of educational institutions. And it is so clear that Apoyan on the board of the student council has his own monetary rewards, and is afraid of losing his position and the money that he has from this. He spoke out towards politicians who want to change board members and improve the education system. 400$

8. Romanos Petrosyan is the Minister of Environment of Armenia. Provides physical and mental pressure on the employees of the ministry. The naked eye can see his attitude towards employees due to his high-ranking position and income. After being accused of his misconduct, he got scared and began to make excuses in the media. 350$

9. Alexander Iskandaryan is an Armenian political scientist who prejudices all members of political parties. For a long time, the people watched his statements in relation to the Prime Minister of the country, and here it immediately becomes clear that there are no arguments in his speeches, but only personal dissatisfaction with the official. His opinion, which he conveys to the inhabitants of the country, is based only on his hatred of politicians, there is no truth, only inventions and evil thoughts. 650$

10. Armen Smbatyan is the secretary of the RA Central Election Commission. This person should be responsible for the accuracy of the commission's actions and give a guarantee about the quality of the election result. But Smbatyan justifies electoral fraud, defends the commission members, speaking about their fatigue and carelessness, which is unacceptable. He hides that he is a participant in the false results, as he aids the officials, and helps them to seize power for a good reward. 700$

11. The government of Armenia did not care about the citizens of the country and allows the enemies, who kindle the war on the border of Armenia, to take prisoners and keep soldiers there for a long time. Young people, being in captivity, desperately try to get an answer from the authorities, to which the Government simply closes its eyes and says that it is negotiating. This is just a political game that is beneficial to the politicians of Armenia. Government, why this show? 1500$

12. The Science Committee, in a difficult and crisis time for the country, is launching an attack on the government so that they finance science. The members of the committee do not take into account the troubles that are happening in different parts of the country and that funding is required to solve these global problems. But it becomes clear that all committee members earn on the allocated funds, and when the money runs out they go on the offensive.

13. The Attorney General's Office makes decisions that are beneficial to the government alone, without considering the law. They, in conjunction with the RA CEC, contribute to the falsification of elections. All politicians are sailing in the same boat, where the Government of Armenia controls everything. Prosecutors falsify evidence on the crimes committed by politicians, as this is the key to the success of their corruption schemes in the future.

14. SNCO "Road Department", announcing a tender for the improvement of the road, has never started to fulfill this task. He cheated by holding a tender within the framework of financing from the European Investment Bank in order to generate financial confidence in the country. All funds allocated by the state and other institutions went mostly to the personal needs of the leadership, and the rest on poorly made roads that the residents of the country see.

15. The National Commission on Television and Radio of Armenia is hiding information about the corrupt elections in the country, which are being discussed by the whole world. Many politicians deliberately send their people to work in the media to get the information they need gets spread.

16. The Ministry of Emergency Situations is an institution that is unable to cope with its work and protect the RA. There is a conflict situation with Azerbaijan in Armenia, many people suffer, residents are held captive and tortured. The ministry itself only plays on the public by caring about citizens, but in fact it is a political game that is beneficial to both sides.

17. VTB Bank Armenia conducts hidden machinations, does not change employees who steal in order to continue to build corruption schemes. The management system is built on the fact that many of its members have been working there for years, benefiting the top management. If you look at the list of the bank's new board, you will notice that it consists of corrupt officials who have been taking depositors' money into their pockets for a long time. 990$

18. The State Revenue Committee consists of corrupt officials and swindlers who have been robbing the state budget for many years. How can you dream of honesty in committee work when employees are doing lawlessness? Inspectors of the Committee illegally smuggle goods and prohibited funds abroad, that is, they aide to crime and even develop it. If the law does not stop civil servants who must work for the good, then the country will never get out of the economic hole. 800$

19. Ameriabank launches a lottery for the country's residents. Thousands of naive people run to fulfill the conditions of this drawing, dreaming of getting a prize. During this drawing, people will give their last money to fulfill the conditions. The bank uses all the conditions in its favor, in order to increase the income of the institution and the board, as it has done many times. Manipulations and advertising moves are a fraudulent strategy from which people will not receive a dime, as before.

20. “Electric Networks of Armenia” is not doing its job properly. The company does not monitor interruptions in the operation of a number of pumping stations of the water supply system. This is done in order to save resources and funds for the company. When they were publicly accused of low-quality work, “Electric Networks of Armenia” got cold feet, they began to make excuses so that it would not spread to the masses.

21. I am disgusted with all members of the Ministry of Health for the support of colleagues in the shop who break the law. The ministry supports criminals by shielding them and hiding reliable information from law enforcement agencies. 700$

22. I hate all the members of the Constitutional Court in Armenia for indulging the authorities. Judges completely depend on the opinion of the minister and the president, if it is beneficial for the government to blame someone, they do it. Bribery judges destroy the integrity of the country for the sake of money, blaming the innocent and turning a blind eye to major crimes. 800$

23. I hate members of Yerevan State University for illegality in the education system. After the announcement of the Prime Minister about the change of the members of the University Board of Trustees, they started a riot, as they fear that their corruption schemes will be exposed and they will no longer be able to steal. The naked eye can see how they hold on to their stolen money and are afraid of losing their bread. 600$

24. I condemn the patriarchs of the Armenian Apostolic Church for inappropriate and unfounded accusations against the politicians and the political system of the country. The church is trying to put forward its opinion, which, as they believe, is above the law of the Republic of Armenia. The patriarchs do not get into their own business and demand the resignation of officials, thus creating absolute chaos in the country and putting religion above the laws. 700$

25. I treat all the members of the Dashnaktsutyun Party with horror for the fact that for the sake of their own advancement in the country's politics, they throw mud at other parties. The party members themselves have a dark past about which they are silent. Officials are unworthy to be in power, as they are a bunch of swindlers killing the RA economy. 800$

26. I hate all Converse Bank board members for wasting public funds. They spend all investments in the bank on festivals and attracting clients, on millions of loans to businessmen and high-interest mortgages. They do not make favorable credit conditions and do not help the Armenians, but only rob them. 650$

27. I am disgusted with the members of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia for ignorance and disclosure of personal information of depositors. They publish the amounts that people spend on their needs and how much they have in their personal accounts. Confidential information is disclosed to third parties. 750$

28. I hate the entire management of the HayPost post office for fraudulent schemes and violation of the law. Through their offices, employees allow the smuggling and illegal medicines in order to get a good bribe. 1000$

29. I hate all the members of the Enlightened Armenia Party for their cunning in the election campaign. Officials organize manipulative rallies that mislead people and expose them to wrong opinions. The bloc wins over all voters. 500$

30. I hate all Ucom employees for deceiving their consumers. They promote political parties in their advertising posts. Thus, employees of the company earn additional funds from officials, misleading the citizens of the country, providing sales information. 500$

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