I just listen to people who are experts in the field. Your questions on the issue remind of something Mr. Garston said. "There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people."
If you think one of the top chemists in the world is stupid but can't counter a single one of his claims, I'd say YOU're the one who's dogmatically religious and anti-science.
If he thinks evolution didn't happen then he is just being an old fool. Religion can cloud the mind. Even scientists are not immune to cognitive dissonance sometimes.
That's not what he's arguing. He's saying that the first cell spontaneously creating itself is a miracle beyond any described in the Bible. You're the one with cognitive dissonance.
Ah, he is arguing against a strawman then. That isn't the theory on how it happened. First came RNA, them DNA. Protein structures and then cell walls came later.
What you're describing is a creation myth. I don't believe you watched that video, and I don't believe you ever will because you're afraid of anything that threatens your religion.
I scanned though it. Read what was on his screen a few times. It doesn't matter what he thinks anyway. It matters what all the findings and scientists think. Not one guy.
Lol it doesn't matter which came first! You have to freaking make it in the first place, and then have it not deteriorate until the proverbial monkeys can type shakespeare.