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2070d · memo
Beta token support has been added. Use at your own risk. Please report any bugs :)
replied 2069d
Would be really cool if you could tip individual posts with tokens
replied 2069d
Thanks for the suggestion. Great idea :)
replied 2069d
It's difficult because you can't have multiple OP_RETURNs in a single TX.
replied 2069d
Could you string txs together? Or maybe send multiple txs at once? 🤔
replied 2069d
Well, a miner could include that. It’s just considered a non-standard TX and not relayed by the nodes.
replied 2069d
I meant to send roger ver 5mil of FuckBlockstream token but it only sent 50,000. Might be a bug because of the two decimals of my token? Or did I type it wrong? I am high
replied 2068d
This is fixed!
replied 2066d
Noice. Is there a page where I can see all the tokens I have?
replied 2069d
That makes sense, I don't think sending takes decimals into account. I will look into it.
replied 2070d
Thanks, we need more improvements like this 🔥💪🏆
replied 2070d
Any guide on how to use ?
replied 2070d
Ah, just seen the simple ledger address on account page :-)

So I'm assuming I send tokens there ? Any tokens ?
replied 2070d
You can create tokens:
replied 2070d
I can create tokens ? Can today get any better !! Awesome :-) just sent myself a memo token too, nice notification. Loving it :-)
replied 2070d
Not yet, will post one hopefully soon :)
replied 2070d
Cheers dude, just found the simple ledger address on account page, going to test it out :-)