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1919d · Ed
Too many people are brainwashed about what Capitalism and Communism is
White men are people too
replied 1918d
The world is filled with people (like you) who think their definitions are "correct" those of others are "wrong". Usually there are such people on both sides of "definition battles"
replied 1918d
"My" definition is correct one... its that Capitalist garbage that is all wrong and complete opposite to how things actually work. If you listened carefully and followed basic logic of how capitalist business works, how capitalists get profits, who produces all things (its not the capitalists, its the workers) and had the balls to admit when you are wrong, you'd see it... and admit it. True ugly side of Capitalism is literally hidden behind nice sounding platitudes, no different to political bullshit... its all lies.
White men are people too
replied 1918d
If you really cared about the integrity of our vocabulary you would not refer to "business owner" as "capitalist". You would understand that this messed up the vocabulary
replied 1918d
I call people retards idiots and fools, as I see it... I don't call people stupid unless they show they are stupid, I don't call people names just to offend them... I react to how they think, what they say and write.
White men are people too
replied 1918d
You probably also would not use so many derogatory terms to refer to your listeners if you cared about people.
White men are people too
replied 1918d
Also, if you had cared about truth you would not pretend that business owners do not do any work.
replied 1917d
I am not pretending at all, I have always said that SOME businesses owners DO SOME work but they only do work in small size business, the bugger the business, the less work they do, eventually they end up DOING NO WORK AT ALL, and what you also keep ignoring that even when they do some work, the amount of work they do compared to amount of work OTHER PEOPLE DO (the workers) is tiny in comparison, and this ratio gets absurdly small the bigger the business it is... so don't talk to me about how I ignore things, I don't ignore anything, I am stating the obvious, it is people who defend Capitalism that are the ones that ignore these blatantly obvious facts.
replied 1918d
Capitalists are Business owners in which other people work.... literally that is who Capitalists are