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1966d · memo
Over 100 Memo transactions rejected in the last 24 hours due to mempool limits. People run into this daily. When will they be raised?

replied 1966d
Could you explain what the mempool limit is, and why it was created in the first place?
replied 1966d
Some info about the history near the end of this post:
replied 1964d
Also, the failures are @memo's fault if @memo does not provide a warning to the user.
replied 1961d
Improving error messaging for these is planned. It's not as straight forward as you'd think though.
replied 1965d
Bitchcoin trash engineers working hard on it.
Aumary deployed 4 monkeys.
replied 1966d
Is there a reason why you have to chain the txs for regular use? Couldn’t you use any utxo? But I agree, the child limit is hurting dApps.
replied 1966d
The site tries to use all your UTXOs to get around the issue. Even with mitigations in place, users only have so many UTXOs and this limit still gets hit.
replied 1966d
Could you just automatically make more utxos? Auto-split balance into a bunch of .00001 utxos or something so that it’s way less likely you’ll run out of them.
replied 1965d
Additional mitigations can be put in place, but they require significant dev time and don't fix the root issue.
replied 1966d
Use your influence to get this on the next fork. But I wonder what implications it will have with mempool management and block verification time?
replied 1966d
I've been brining this up for almost a year. It's a miner setting, doesn't need a fork.
replied 1964d
Just raise the cost of memo post, as a temporary workaround. You may like it long term.