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replied 2435d
replied 2435d
Hey, did you notice you got a mystery 1M satoshis sent to your address? Several people have gotten them too. Not sure who is doing it.
replied 2435d
replied 2435d
I didn’t notice till you mentioned it. Definitely a mystery. I only fund this account small amounts as needed. Looks like I won’t need to fund it for awhile now.
replied 2435d
Can everyone check their addresses? I'd like to know just how many people have been effected here. Maybe one of the tx's will have a clue or something
replied 2435d
Haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary
replied 2435d
I haven't received any...
replied 2435d
I haven’t received any additional satoshis
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2435d
Nothing out of the ordinary on my end...but this address sees a lot of traffic so no definite there.