Why would you want to protect and control your own money when you can trust banks?
*have to* being the operative word. Dash is assuming u *have to* defend yourself in the absence of gov. can choose to make or buy food, make or buy security, make or buy money storage.
If you don't write it down you'll have feudalism in no time. I don't see how this isn't self evident from a historical perspective. Whales are lazy, they don't want to compete.
To have a group you MUST make rules about - who's in or out, where is in or out, what happens when someone violates the rules of the group etc. If you have a group it's not anarchy.
1) not everything with a governance structure is a government (e.g. company) 2) governments have a monopoly on violence & citizens are forced to be part of it, without that not a gov.
What happens if they refuse to sign the contract? What happens if the child of a contract signer violates the contract? What if an internal group organizes to change the contract?
real question is why someone who wants to try this out needs your permission & you to be ok with every what-if scenario. Why can’t you let people do what they want?
Sounds like you don't have an answer 😂😂😂 I'm just trying to get to the bottom of the ideology by asking questions, you don't need my(or anyone's) permission lol
Point is, people acting through the free market provide an incredible range of products/services (some you dont even know you want until they’ve already been made).
wasn't talking about writing it down at all but sure write it down, like a contract. and have the people who want to participate in it sign it, like a contract. & don't assume consent.
It's useful to write it down - "if you live here, nobody can force you to to shut up when you're saying something they don't like. If you try to, your neighbors can arrest you"<---HUGE