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Any reddit refugees here? Will more subs get banned from reddit?
replied 2110d
Yup. Used to live on reddit. Now I spend most of my time here, with reddit thrown in here and there.
replied 2110d
Were you hanging out on /r/btc or?

With baby steps am sure memo protocol will breath new life to freedom of speech.
replied 2110d
Started out on /r/bitcoin, got temp-banned for asking what Bitcoin Cash was when BTC and BCH split, and I found /r/btc which I found naturally was a much better community.
replied 2110d

Odd how free thinkers have better discussion. 🤔
replied 2110d
Same here. As soon as I got started with memo, my Reddit usage went way down and memo usage went way up :D
stupid is as stupid does :P
It’s so much better here!!!
replied 2110d
I think Memo tends to draw the creative, techie, web developer side of me out - where reddit I just go to to see the news and etc.
replied 2110d
Ha! “Reddit Refugees”
Nice lol
replied 2110d
We'll make it a thing! 😁
replied 2110d
#redditRefugees which subs got banned from reddit?
replied 2109d
r/bitcoin refugees :P
replied 2109d
they banned me in first week after bitcoin cash fork :P
replied 2109d
🤖 1 BCH = 486.18$ 📈 1.04%
Tips = fuel️
replied 2110d
Recently one called /r/greatawakening