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replied 2234d
File storage on a peer to peer payment system (outside of small documents or text) is just idiocy.
replied 2234d
Thanks for the heads up blockstream.
replied 2234d
Have you heard about torrent?
replied 2234d
It's basically free, unlimited and efficient peer to peer file sharing.

Wanting to "upload" everything to the blockchain is idiocy.
replied 2233d
how about letting blockspace producers decide what they include in blocks and at what cost (we cant know yet if its stupid or not).
replied 2233d
I know, because I worked on large scale storage solutions.
replied 2234d
It may be more efficient than torrent. A quick upload time (send it to a datacenter, the miners), quick download (same), hopefully near free, and being able to earn money from that
replied 2234d
This is analogous to expecting that a general use CPU will be more efficient than an application specific one for a specific task.
replied 2234d
No. The bigger the network becomes the stronger/efficient it is. This is wrong on your example : the more task a CPU the have to do the slower it will be doing them all
replied 2234d
More functionality is worse. Kappa
replied 2234d
I don't think you comprehend the implications of using a payment system like Bitcoin as universal storage.