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1432d · The next bitcoin prediction
I have a 6th sense that I suspect is related to something like situational awareness at a subconscious level and pattern recognition. It isn't unlike going to bed and processing things as your falling asleep that you may have missed... and then an epiphany hits you in a bizarre dream. Except for me, it is more like a memory of the future. Sometimes an image or like recalling something faintly. It is like a crazy savant skill that has made friends think I'm psychic. The last thing I ever needed was a friend to tell me I'm psychic and so I hung out with people who would never believe this could be. The wildest prediction/guess or fun card trick was always a "coincidence" and so I was happy with that. Well as I have nothing and there's a lot at stake (pun intended), I have to lean on this. If I'm wrong and I've dug my family a deeper hole, I have a contingency plan that delivers at great cost.