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replied 2464d
Do you or do you not? That's a very simple question.
replied 2464d
well at the end, isn't it just a matter of yes or not? I made the question simple no to read many yes or many no, but the reason behind those.
replied 2464d
Do you believe in Huiruuuptazlenad? It's a simple yes or no question.
replied 2464d
your question means nothing, my question is very meaningful because God has a meaning, your word has no meaning.
replied 2464d
What is the meaning that God has?
replied 2463d
you can assemble your own subjective meaning-hierarchy; `god` is the name for item you have in the top position; a blow-job can be your god if that is at the top of that hierarchy 😁
replied 2463d
not really, your best wish is not God. God means something that has not beginning nor end. A blow job will start and end and require 2 people or 3 if you are luckier.
replied 2463d
not `wish`, but the thing that gives you the most `meaning` in your life ... meaning-hierarchy not wish-hierarchy 👌
replied 2464d
This word point to the absolute truth/creator/origin - Im not saying in a Judaic term, Im saying from a language term, God is what even the atheist say they don't believe. Am i clear?
replied 2464d
Partly. So, you're saying
1. this word is a symbol you point to that represents that which is unchanging;
replied 2464d
2. that this isn't specific to Judaism, but that everyone, including atheists, use the word the same way.
Is this accurate?
replied 2464d
It is not me to give this meaning to the word, look Cambridge Dictionary
replied 2464d
"the ancient Greek gods and goddesses"
So... you believe in Zeus?
replied 2464d
sorry I dont know how to be more clear than that. God for Christian is God, for Greek was Zeus, for Hinduist Krishna.. for ancient Egyptians was the faraon.. but God is that they seek.
replied 2464d
So, God is the all-knowing deity that everyone, all of the various religions, have been seeking and worshipping by different names?
replied 2463d
no Im say that the word God in our language point to that. It is like a pointer to a variable in C+ the variable change but the pointer keeps point to that. I hope you know a bit of C+
replied 2464d
Exactly, I noticed that. It's not a religious question in my opinion but it's rebellious to be anti-religioun so perhaps that explains the lesser amount of comments on the 'No' side.
replied 2464d
How is "God" defined?
replied 2463d
The entity that created everything. What created God though? And what created the thing that created that? And what created ... etc. Loop back to the present. How did this begin?