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replied 2428d
I don't know about you, but business owners are busy trying to give you work so that you CAN work and earn a wage. They go out to meetings with clients and promote the company.
replied 2428d
The truth is, this type of work you say businesses owners do, is NOWHERE NEAR, NOT EVEN CLOSE WORTH THE AMOUNTS OF WEALTH THEY ACCUMULATE FROM WORK OF OTHERS.
replied 2428d
Strawman after strawman.
replied 2428d
What? Look around you... how much money these fucks have? WHAT KIND OF WORK DO THEY DO? Get fucked. You are clueless & brainwashed, maybe you are one of them? That would explain...
replied 2428d
They are not busy "giving me work", they only look for workers when THEY NEED SOMEONE TO MAKE THEM MONEY, which is proven with times when they sack people when the're no longer needed.
replied 2428d
[citation needed]