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2162d · memo
I write roughly as often on memo as I do on twitter. The engagement has gotten better as of late, but only for a few topics. Hopefully this picks up momentum soon enough...
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2162d
Memo usage seems to follow price roughly. It's gathering momentum though. Next bull market it's gonna pop!
replied 2162d
I never used Twitter.
I use memo because of its superior infinite reply format.
replied 2162d
what is this infinite reply format?
replied 2162d
You can reply to infinity.
Here's an example of that:
My first posts were of this nature.
replied 2162d
If enough people with followers intentionally tease on twitter and draw followers to Memo where the meat is, would that not help? Tired of people complaining about censorship etc
replied 2156d
Signed by John: We're awesome! 1541271680462
replied 2162d
I guess it could help, and my cross-reference so far have been positive, but I don't think I can ever get the full following to move over.
replied 2162d
It doesn't have to be 100% to be effective, every bit can help the entire ecosystem. By the way, very excited to see adoption increase of your CashId.