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replied 2307d
Deserving to survive comes with being capable of surviving. It doesnt matter if we have to destroy the Earth to do it, just so long as we can leave the Earth.
replied 2307d
Hold up. Your saying that you would destroy the entire planet if only it meant we were capable of leaving it? Isn't that a bit crazy?
replied 2307d
It is of course an extreme case, but if it meant taking life beyond, and ensuring its future, then I would find it acceptable. I doubt that would be required though.
replied 2307d
It doesn't matter who finds it acceptable. It wouldn't be allowed.
replied 2307d
Allowed by who? I dont think you understand what I was saying. The people alive today are irrelevant to the issue as humanity isn't capable of this yet.
replied 2307d
What would make humanity capable of it?
replied 2307d
A major emergency I would guess. That or if climate change was set to destroy us. Building habitats that could hold ecosystems would take a lot of collective effort.
replied 2307d
A major emergency like what? Climate change set to destroy us?
You're referring to a major kind of catastrophe where we humans are forced to work together or die?
replied 2307d
Essentially, yes.
replied 2307d
Oh. Well, this seems rather self-evident; I agree.
replied 2307d
The people alive today would rather die stopping you than surrender their lives to a future hardly any of them believe in.