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replied 2209d
En Fri Mand
You can block all the transactions on the minority chain. No transactions = death.
En Fri Mand
replied 2209d
Hm yes. Interesting. So forcing people to want SV is what I'm hearing.
replied 2209d
I was forced to want Core for half a decade. Point is, BCH is NOT the team working on it but the ecosystem and the miners are the defenders. Don’t have soldiers/miners, you die.
En Fri Mand
replied 2209d
good point you're making there. interesting to see the reaction of jihan and co. respect to craig and calvin for putting money behind their words.
replied 2209d
You put it well. Put their money where the mouth is is exactly what this is about.
replied 2209d
SV is late to the game and nchain is spouting continuous nonsense about CTOR and DSV. The proposal agreed on by ABC, BU, XT, etc. has momentum so let's just upgrade and move on.
replied 2209d
When there is a great reason to have a hash war, then sure. But now? There is nothing worth fighting over. This is manufactured controversy. None of the changes are worth a split.
replied 2209d
I’m content with both implementations. I’m NOT content with miners that are wishy washy and lack a spine. That is what destroyed BTC. ABC miners are disloyal and will abandon.
replied 2209d
Calvin could mine ABC as easily as SV. It's two separate issues.