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Funny how the official story has many flaws and stuff which makes no sense.
Look, I do not know what happened, but I am quite sure, that the moon landing footage is fake.
Do I can be 100% sure?
Of course not.
But in my mind it has a very high probability, that it is fake.
Do I build my worldview, ego or existence upon on it?
No, I got better anchors.

I love the "moron argumentation style" - always enriching any interaction.

Wow, so you tell me I can listen to the whole audio?
I could have made an audio when I was seven years old where me and my brother traveled to alpha centauri first, afterwards went to candyland planet and then traveled to the milky way and ate one milky chocolate bar after another. Returning to earth completely safe and sound. And all the other kids believed us. Because their good friend steffen has told them, his brother said it was true and they even had an audio tape.
Happened over 7 times btw, more often then NASA went to the moon.
I am not sur...