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replied 2359d
Fluffy Pony (Spokesperson of Monero) lost all his credibility when he started spitting on #BCH and posing on photos with Greg "Judas" Maxwell. #Monero was created for illegal botnets.
replied 2359d
Have way bigger anon-sets than XMR. Plus the timing analyses and all the bugs means it was probably created with 'backdoors' to allow for easy deanoning.
replied 2359d
I wouldn't touch the stuff for any reason, esp. privacy. Dash anon set is 81 at 4 rounds, and 6561 at 8 rounds. PIVX is like 14 mil. ZCash is like 3 million etc all other privacy coins
replied 2359d
I've heard from at least two members of r/btc that Monero was created as a honeypot. Now that I know the history of its privacy, anon-set 0 then 3 then 5 now 7, which is really low