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replied 2311d
It that's the date new software says it is ready,
it's going to be tested.
replied 2311d
So we are doing a BCH stress test on the same day as the “November upgrade” “fork” whatever you want to call it...?
Is that correct?
replied 2311d
yes, with a small test before that.
replied 2310d
Bitcoin Cash is my favourite crypto that I hold& I support it wholeheartedly however if stress test and upgrade are done on the same day I will not be contributing any funds to stress.
replied 2310d
replied 2310d
Doing the stress test on the same day as the November fork/upgrade is foolish. This will end with poor results. The stress test and fork/upgrade should be separate events.
replied 2310d
Ok, thanks for your feedback.
replied 2310d
why before?
replied 2310d
To test the software.
replied 2308d
we've already stress tested this software, it isn't clear to me why we ought to stress test again. why?
replied 2308d
We missed our last target,
there were bottlenecks,
we'll be testing all clients this time.
replied 2308d
changes have been made.