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New app release!

Release notes for 0.3.2
-Long press a like to add a tip!
-Minor UI/stability fixes

There's the beginning of some other features in the works visible but will crash the app. All fixed soon!
replied 2353d

looks great, neater than twitter :)))
replied 2353d
Oh looks like I fixed the follow/unfollow bug in this release, didn't even realize.

replied 2352d
testing reply
replied 2352d
Oh sheesh y'all, twas a success!
En Fri Mand
replied 2353d
Which app is this?
replied 2353d
replied 2353d
Very nice. Works great. Once we can reply should be completely usable
En Fri Mand
replied 2353d
Cool!! Just installed it. Very awesome, beautiful app :-) I can't reply from the app and/or tip. Is this known to you?
replied 2353d
Just checked, you can definitely too in the current release! Just long press the like button.
Replying will come soon.
En Fri Mand
replied 2353d
Great. This tip was done from your app :-)