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HINT.. if you only keep on the account BCH and have no fiat, revolut will automatically convert it upon every purchase with visa card.
replied 2233d
U Stupid Fuck @eye1! Do not double post your shit fuck stupid thoughts between the BlockPISS protocol & the Memo protocol! Post on Memo Protocol only or Fuck Off & Get Rekt U BCH Fuk!
replied 2233d
Shut the fuck up. Stop being an authoritarian prick. You are anti-freedom, so piss off!
replied 2231d
I know right? That mother fucker is so fucking annoying. We need a block/mute #feature for assholes.
replied 2231d
Keep double posting/double spending ur BCH between two Protocols that do the same thing u economically illiterate Fucktards! Strength in division eh Fuckheads! Memo Protocol ONLY BCH!
replied 2232d
when mute function memo?
replied 2233d
This is a good reply.
replied 2233d
Blockpress is awesome. You just go kill yourself already, retard.
replied 2233d
As much as I do not like how Reload express his opinion, I truly believe BlockPress should be an implementation of Memo protocol, not an uncompatible copycat of it.
replied 2233d
Their work, their choice. I think platforms will go separate direction. Diversification of space is good.
replied 2233d
“Divide and rule, the politician cries; Unite and lead, is watchword of the wise.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
replied 2233d
Also, considering BlockPress is likely a purely for-profit project, it is not unlikely this Reload guy is someone sitting in their office shitposting on Memo for salary...