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replied 2377d
You should only be able to dislike each post once. Likes can already be manipulated with multiple likes.
replied 2376d
Disliking is a stupid feature which destroys harmony. Use instagram and realize how positive it is because it has no way to dislike. Multiple likes are actually a realistic feature.
replied 2376d
You have no previous experience in paid diskliking.
replied 2377d
What about a single big $BCH dislike? I think that is what @memo wouldn't like happen. A censorship of a single or multiple rich entity/entities. Basically same as Twitter bans.
replied 2377d
But can't that already be done with likes? If enough troll accounts upvote a post like "BCH is a scam"... Memo can just add views/ranks/list with and without dislikes factored in.
replied 2377d
Exactly, it can be done now. So this is really not a good argument against paid dislikes.
The big advantage of paid dislikes is gamification. There will be like wars.
replied 2377d
Like wars provide entertainment to users, $$$ to miners and @memo. Win Win Win.
replied 2377d
Answering to self. If there was a list of active dislikes with amount paid for dislike, it could be possible that a positive counter-like could be applied and thus neutralize the dis.