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2349d · Capitalism
"The capitalists always attack the communes" wow what a pathetic excuse. What do they attack with? A better starting salary?
replied 2348d
You people claim Austrian economics is grest & freedom yet its what caused the gre ast depression in 1930s & it was addition of Socialism (Keynesian econ) that fixed it (historic fact)
replied 2348d
replied 2348d
You are clueless, I am surprised you are not one of the BTC maximalists, you sound no different to how they "think".
replied 2348d
I guarantee I have far more skin in this game than you do, my poor redistributionist friend. I have given away more satoshis here and on yours than you probably have in cold storage.
replied 2348d
Big mouth, typical capitalist moron thinking you are better as you think you have more things and money? You moron. You have no idea what I have. So how about you just FUCK OFF?
replied 2348d
I don't know exactly, but I do know those that have a lot never get as butthurt as you just did about the subject. 😁 And yes, skin in the game does matter.
replied 2348d
Eat shit you fuckhead, you are who you are in your heart an din your mind, not how much wealth you have, only a cunt could see themselves better because they have more, you prick.
replied 2348d
Sorry you are wrong. People who have made more money are in general more worth listening to and often have wisdom that the economically illiterate lack. You are blinded by envious hate
replied 2347d
Those people that "made" most money are by far the worst kind of people there is... these are the people that want global government & people that fund and create all wars. UR CLUELESS
replied 2348d
Can't believe I'm getting lectured on how Keynesianism is anything except complete garbage by someone who claims to understand bitcoin. Hilarious! Sad but entertaining at least.
replied 2348d
You're arrogant & ignorant. You can't see fact when presented to you. Your Austrian school of economics is garbage, you fucks don't even know difference between production & exchange.
replied 2348d
America has been going down hill ever since. Americans were better off when Keynesian capitalism (Socialism) existed, and that is historic fact.
replied 2348d
Austrian econ created 1930 depression. Keynesian econ started (Socialism to balance out Capitalism) to stop people overthrowing capitalism. Nixon started reversing that in 1970's.
replied 2348d
If Capitalism was so great why are Americans poorer then ever and most disfunctional society even when no one attacked the US soil ever? Go on, explain that logic?
replied 2348d
You seem very angry ED at capitalism. Why are you so mad?
replied 2348d
it should be obvious from all of my posts.
replied 2348d
I guess I will be left guessing why you're mad. Because you think capitalism exploits people?
replied 2348d
replied 2348d
Not only does Capitalism exploit, the capitalists are also behind all wars, they even funded Nazis in WWII the way they create terrorism today and past few decades. Learn real history.
replied 2348d
replied 2348d
How can all of you be so blind? The capitalist west attacked communist in WWI, WWII, cold war, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Yugoslavia & anyone remotely Socialist & Communist... ALL THE TIME!
replied 2348d
Weapons. Economic sanctions. Propaganda. Funding so called rebels. You are so brainwashed.
replied 2348d
So all the unsuccessful communes established in the US in the 60s were attacked with weapons, economic sanctions and propaganda? Careful where you cast those silly insults.
replied 2348d
Yes you ignorant moron. America has killed anyone and everyone that is even remotely socialist or communist society, with all kinds of weapons. US is only nation that used NUCLEAR wpns
replied 2347d
Dude. The state (USA government) IS socialism. All the stuff you hate... yeah... governments are the cause of that. Not non-violence (capitalism). Don't blame a lack of theft for this.
replied 2347d
US government is doing all this because they are bought out and working for the Capitalists. I am truly amassed how so many of you can't see this... signs are there everywhere.
replied 2347d
No its not. Bailing out banks is not Socialism, that is Capitalism using Socialism to profit from it. Socialism is not government helping capitalist businesses, its helping the PEOPLE.
replied 2346d
Once again - Your definition of capitalism seems to be "all the bad stuff that states or businesses do that you don't like" socialism = "all the stuff you like"
replied 2346d
Capitalism = Propertyism = Respect for private property rights = Voluntaryism = "don't steal other people's shit" = Government is not capitalist - it is the direct enemy of capitalism
replied 2346d
Can we at least agree to use words correctly otherwise how can we even communicate!? What's the point of discussing if your definitions are just pulled out of your arse?
replied 2346d
I cant agree as you use propaganda definitions that are simply not true.
replied 2346d
Oh dear. How bout I call it a different name. Do you think that stealing other people's things is wrong? Are you in support of the non-aggression principle or do you support taxation?
replied 2348d
Careful what? Its the facts
US has killed more people than any other nation in human history.
replied 2348d
Um, how about weapons?
replied 2347d
gov takes money from biz (taxes), gov buys guns with money, gov sends guns to kill people. god damn businesses.
replied 2347d
Governments don't take shit from businesses. Most of the tax burden is on the workers. Even the self employed gets tax breaks. But Corporations get the biggest tax breaks.
replied 2347d
for the sake of the argument assume thats true: it weakens your argument. gov takes money from 'workers' buys guns then 'kills communists.' 'capitalists' not involved.
replied 2347d
Capitalists are not only involved as they control government policies, they also profit massively from all these wars. Capitalists win 2 fold: kill Communism & war profiteering.
replied 2347d
racket and uses this stolen money (like a mafia organisation) to pick winners and losers in what ought to be a free market. Everyone hates monopolies and they ALWAYS are state granted!
replied 2347d
Lot of people know Corporations do shit and evil, many call them out, but hardly anyone calls it by the real name... CAPITALISM. Its that system that allows it all to happen.
replied 2346d
capitalism just means don't steal other people's property. But your definition is "all the bad stuff that I don't like, whatever that is, that's capitalism"
replied 2347d
Mafia are also business people only difference is their business is made illegal by the state. What makes you think Capitalists business do things fairly? Are you really that naive?
replied 2346d
Here's another example: The only difference between a drug dealer and a pharmacist is one of them is considered illegal by the state. Even though you can get lethal drugs from both.
replied 2347d
All wars are rich man's wars. Those rich men are Capitalists, they are business owners.
They are the Deep State creating it all.
replied 2347d
Those monopolies are Capitalist businesses. US Government doesn't spend money on wars because it is Socialist & helps people, but because its opposite, doing dirty work for Capitalists
replied 2347d
Just because private prisons are horrible. Privately produced guns, tanks, bombs (everything)...The issue is not that things are produced privately it is that the state is an extortion
replied 2347d
You have no idea what Socialism means, and you don't understand what Capitalism is. Maybe this should help you
replied 2346d
I really love this video! :D
replied 2347d
And this is what Capitalist America has done, just a few things mentioned in here, there's way more (JFK, 911, WMDs)
replied 2347d
Everything that is done by Capitalist business, ends up costing people more & without Socialism the poor end up not being able to afford many things, like health and education.
replied 2347d
Capitalist business is true Extortion. You don't understand idea behind tax. Tax is meant to be used to have the state provide things for its people in cheaper way then private sector.
replied 2346d
Good intentions don't mean that tax is a good thing. Nor does it mean that it achieves what you think it does. Free market capitalism is the only cure for poverty. This much is obvious
replied 2347d
replied to Rev below: we all agree gov shouldn't have so much, or any, power. yet the only way you propose for how capitalists attack communism is through the government.
replied 2347d
If I want to attack you and I hire someone to do it for me so I am not the obvious attacker, who is attacking you, the guy I paid to attack you or me? Of course it would be me.
replied 2346d
it's much more efficient to hire hitmen. as you add layers (bribing multiple officials/setting up different protests) the more expensive it is & less effective money is
replied 2346d
who is attacking me? the person literally, physically attacking me, or the person who hired him?
replied 2346d
The person who is literally/physically attacking you would be responsible.
replied 2346d
how far do you want to spread blame? what about the weapons manufacture? or the road builder? or the restaurant who served the attacker food? all helped in the attack
replied 2347d
They use government as its easier for them to hide like this. If they did it directly it would be more obvious and people would pick up on it sooner. Its still capitalists attacking.
replied 2346d
gov bureaucrats are so spineless and morally bankrupt they take bribes from & start wars for capitalists? Its not their fault they started wars!
replied 2347d
But Capitalists are involved, they control the government. Why else would the government not tax the Capitalists? And Communists are being killed in the name of Capitalism.
replied 2347d
Its not really this hard.
Gov. should have no or very minimal power over individuals.
replied 2347d
I agree, the only thing governments should be doing is providing essential services to the public like universal healthcare. It should not be used as a system of control.
replied 2347d
The government shouldn't be used as a system of control, so it should control the healthcare system. Flawless logic.
replied 2346d
Universal Healthcare isn't about controlling the healthcare system. It's about providing healthcare to everyone who needs it and makes sure the workers in it get properly compensated.
replied 2346d
How do you do that without controlling the means to provide healthcare? Aka enslaving doctors and nurses.
replied 2346d
You don't control them, doctors and nurses provide the healthcare because they love medicine. The government just pays them to reward them for their valuable labor which is a right.
replied 2346d
Good one.
replied 2347d
And remember that government is meant to be elected by the people, meaning they should do the policies they promote during elections, which is why we elect them & not to serve the rich
replied 2347d
Not to mention having fair voting systems and having direct democracy on most issues would be good to have as well.
replied 2347d
Of course
replied 2347d
yeah, we all agree gov shouldn't have so much, or any, power. yet the only way you propose for how capitalists attack communism is through the government, which no one here supports.
replied 2346d
Okay, well here's another one for you. Capitalist businesses can choose not to trade with Communist ones particularly in regards to critical resources like food and they sponsor coups.
replied 2346d
cartels do not survive in free markets. if some choose not to provide food others will.
replied 2346d
everyone chooses who to trade with everyday. you choose food everyday (discriminating against those you do not buy from)
replied 2346d
replied 2346d
Why does the government (a centralized linchpin) get do award contracts for all bananas in the country? Would be different if each farm chose who to do business with.
replied 2346d
I see it as more of a failure of the centralization of power in e.g. Honduras. "government's having ... award them a monopoly contract for the Honduran banana"
replied 2346d
at least this is a more direct link.
replied 2347d
r u another socialist? i have been meeting alot of them here on memo lately?
replied 2347d
Yes, I consider myself a Market Socialist which I believe is the most palatable form of Socialism right now. Basically a Co-op and Solopreneur based economy.