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replied 2338d
Right and submit myself to multinational corporations is something that I will absolutely prevent. I strongly prefer to get the flu over giving them money for a useless charade.
replied 2337d
What irks me the most about these debates is (vaccines, climate change etc.) that people do NOT check the DATA. The diseases have been almost extinct even before vaccination.
replied 2338d
yes you may feel that way, but then also please home school your kids,

hand over your iphone and broadband internet, comfy car with awesome reliability thanks to electronic ignition
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2338d
I plan to homeschool anyways, I will never give another dime to apple, the internet needs some serious disruption(far to centralized), I drive crappy old cars and fix them myself. and?
replied 2337d
Replied to wrong person.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2337d
Hahaha thanks I was wondering why he disappeared. I responded to other posts too though so idk, maybe he gave up.
replied 2337d
Which one of them is a for profit multinational corporation putting stuff in my blood?
replied 2337d
Which one of them is a for profit multinational corporation putting stuff in my blood?
replied 2338d
You can do whatever you want. But you are very ignorant. You have shown no fact to back up anything you say. That is complete ignorance on the matter.
replied 2338d
This is basic risk/reward ratio not in my favor.
replied 2338d
Put one kid in school with the Measles and the whole class gets sick instead of just a couple that hasn't had the vaccine.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2338d
FUD is good for making money. Always has been. (at this point I'm just trolling, ignore me)

I actually do agree with you here. It's just that the conflict of interest is dangerous.
replied 2338d
Risk/Reward ratio? LMAO. Take out all the people that had the vaccines and we shall see how that Risk/Reward ratio looks. Ignorance at it's finest.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2338d
The problem is not vaccines themselves. Obviously they work when administered correctly. The problem is having to blindly trust an agency with multi billion$$ interests.
replied 2338d
Well apparently only you are blind. What agency are you talking about?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2338d
replied 2338d
I am pretty sure the flu shots go directly from pharma to hospitals and Dr.s. You are going to have to prove to me that the CDC or FDA get a cut of sales at all. I highly doubt it.
replied 2338d
The CDC gets their money from Charitable Contributions and grants. So tell me again how they are making money on the flu shot?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2337d
😂😂😂😂 So it's a tax scam too?! I did not know that. See ya in the funny papers Mike.
replied 2337d
Tax scam too? LMAO. Where's all this proof. A meteor is going to land on your head just because I say so. You really are stupid.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2337d
The whole point is plausible deniability. If you trust them, be my guest and get your 10% effective harmless(trust us) mercury shot. I ain't stopping you.
replied 2337d
And I am still waiting for those CDC and FDA profit off Flu shot and vaccine numbers.
replied 2337d
Dude, vaccines cost about USD 0.25 - 0.5 to produce per shot. And are sold at around USD 25 - 50... Can't see the profit margin?
replied 2337d
Dude. The CDC and FDA don't make flu vaccines. It comes from 4 different pharma's. Wow.
replied 2337d
The stats are there, you are the one choosing to ignore them saying they are bogus. I look at facts. You apparently don't. If you don't believe it, it's not a fact.
replied 2337d
If you were to research the facts you would see that chances of vaxx complications today are sometimes even higher than getting the disease you vaccinate against around 50 years ago.
replied 2337d