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replied 2391d
Are you a hyper Christian or something? Is sexuality that offensive to you? Either way it points to the mental problems being yours. You don't seem healthy.
replied 2391d
Sexuality? WankerSam, WTF has sexuality to do with jerking off to a chick on a computer screen? LOL! You silly cuck, you cant get much further from sexuality than that.
replied 2391d
Did you know that women watch porn too? Di you even understand human sexuality?
replied 2391d
Gozira just read the whole conversation again and think hard: who here would be a prime client for a therapist? If you really think hard you can figure it out.
replied 2391d
Dude, you are just a sad wanker, brown-nosing for a whore. LOL! I just don't like degenerates - whores & SJW perverts like you, SilentSam. Feel free to fuck off in any direction U like