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Anyone heard about Akasah project?Decentrailzed Social Network Platform Based on ETH.
i been experience with akasha these days.
kind of remind me Memo's first experience.
replied 2448d
2/ in Akasah,you have to click 'sumit' button on metamask everytime you do action.
like have to type password everytime you do action on memo.
replied 2448d
I don't believe you have to type password every time you do action on Memo anymore.
replied 2448d
yah,i know.
i was talking about when memo's early days.
replied 2448d
3/ and of course charge fee per every action because every actions are occur transaction.
so i just wonder.what about Social Media Network based on BCH Blockchain?
replied 2448d
4/ fees are cheaper than eth blockchain obviously.
And as i heard,smartcontract are available on BCH now.(i know nothing about program,so im not sure)
and anyone can use IPFS .
replied 2448d
5/ BCH blockchain Ver. of Akasha or Steemit is pretty possiable i think.
(again,i know nothing about develping or programming.)
replied 2448d
I'm curious about the economics and approach to incentives behind any blockchain social net that isn't _almost_ free. With any cost, there is already a UX issue to solve.
replied 2447d
You are right.
I know some ppl who dont want to even penny for using Sns.Actually Most of ppl are.
That is the reality.and i still dont have any answer for them.sad