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replied 2308d
What do you advocate for?
replied 2308d
I advocate for the current system continuing, with a movement toward further globalisation. The establishment of a proper global government would be nice.
replied 2308d
What is the current system?
What would globalization look like?
replied 2308d
The current system of western democracies. I would like to see globalisation move toward a global constitution that all the worlds nations are under.
replied 2308d
replied 2308d
Mostly because of their success. They maximise freedom, and quality of life. They make it more likely for the species to be successful.
replied 2308d
What or who is "they"?
replied 2308d
Western capitalist democracies.
replied 2308d
How do you define success?
replied 2308d
Best for advancing our species. I myself see the end goal as being independance from Earth. We could build structures in space for people to live on and avoid extinction level events.
replied 2308d
There are extinction level events that happen on other planets also. Leaving earth doesn’t remove the possibility of extinction level events.
replied 2308d
Other planets are not a good option either. No need to get trapped in another gravity well after leaving our own.
replied 2308d
Advancing our species? What do you mean?
Why independence from earth?
replied 2308d
Scientific advancement. If our species depends on Earth then it is doomed to extinction. So I hope we eventually begin advancing toward a K2 civilization.
replied 2308d
You think that Earth is doomed to die, regardless of what the human species does or does not do?
replied 2308d
It is only a matter of time until an asteroid, or super volcano, or some other event happens. Not an if, but a when.
replied 2308d
Why do you think that?
replied 2308d
I guess because that is how it has always been. These things happen periodically at a geological time scale. The only species that can avoid extinction is one that can leave the world.
replied 2308d
If our specie cannot live about without systematic theft, do we deserve to survive?
Why wouldn't we just reck Mars or wherever else we might go?
replied 2307d
We deserve to because we can. To continue life beyond what the planet us capable of sustaining is a kind of ultimate purpose to life. Building structure to live in instead of planets.
replied 2307d
Humanity doesn't deserve to survive. If we are to live on other worlds, we must as a species be worthy of survival.
replied 2307d
I'm not saying we shouldn't go to Mars, just that humanity needs to learn. We can't run away from our problems. The day will come when humanity will have to face what it has done.
replied 2307d
Either we will fix our mistakes and survive, or we will fail and continue a endless cycle of death until extinction. By ourselves or otherwise.
replied 2307d
Deserving to survive comes with being capable of surviving. It doesnt matter if we have to destroy the Earth to do it, just so long as we can leave the Earth.
replied 2307d
Hold up. Your saying that you would destroy the entire planet if only it meant we were capable of leaving it? Isn't that a bit crazy?
replied 2307d
It is of course an extreme case, but if it meant taking life beyond, and ensuring its future, then I would find it acceptable. I doubt that would be required though.
replied 2307d
It doesn't matter who finds it acceptable. It wouldn't be allowed.
replied 2307d
Allowed by who? I dont think you understand what I was saying. The people alive today are irrelevant to the issue as humanity isn't capable of this yet.
replied 2307d
What would make humanity capable of it?
replied 2307d
A major emergency I would guess. That or if climate change was set to destroy us. Building habitats that could hold ecosystems would take a lot of collective effort.
replied 2307d
A major emergency like what? Climate change set to destroy us?
You're referring to a major kind of catastrophe where we humans are forced to work together or die?
replied 2307d
Essentially, yes.
replied 2307d
Oh. Well, this seems rather self-evident; I agree.
replied 2307d
The people alive today would rather die stopping you than surrender their lives to a future hardly any of them believe in.
replied 2307d
I think we also need to fix a lot of problems on Earth before expanding...
replied 2307d
We need an entire restructuring of society if we are to live on Mars. Ground up. Pull the pin and start over.
replied 2307d
There needs to be more balance on Earth. Currently, the world is not stable.
replied 2307d
Yes, but as you'd imagine it would be very difficult to restructure every society on Earth peacefully within human lifetimes, if at all.
replied 2307d
We live in a time of unprecedented connectivity on a global scale.
To what I'm aware of - and you? - this has never before been the case.
There's only one problem: our own minds.
replied 2307d
We're going to have to try.
replied 2307d
There's only one thing that's needed - a systematically voluntary society.
Since maintaining slavery is directly opposed to this, this very simple thing has become very complex.
replied 2307d
If i had to guess, fixing and unifying the world peacefully is about, if not more complex than the colonization of the solar system.
replied 2307d
That being said, the latter will be easier once the first is done.
replied 2307d
It's actually quite simple.
That doesn't mean it might not be very complex in practice, although anchored on a basic idea.
Like BCH - decentralized digital cash.
replied 2307d
Building a structure to live in? Can you expound on that idea?
replied 2307d
Here is something to help with that more easily than can be typed here:
replied 2307d
Thank you. I watched it and am enjoying thinking about the concept.
Likewise, I'm excited to have found a site that reminds me of Khan Academy:
replied 2307d
If you can rape someone, do you deserve to because you can?
How is "continu[ing] life beyond what the planet is capable of sustaining[,] kind of ultimate purpose to life"?
replied 2307d
It's more about leaving the limitations of the earth, and ensuring the continued existence of life. In a way life was created to allow DNA to propagate.