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The whole world is filled with injustice and almost everyone is complicit. For example, the UN estimates that there are two million children right now who are being trafficked and raped. There are also one billion animals that are slaughtered every week for human consumption. Humanity causes a great deal of suffering and injustice. Humanity deserves nothing but total annihilation. If anyone reading this agrees, we must all do everything we can every day to contribute to human population decline. We must all do something everyday to increase the odds of human extinction. Killing people or random shootings is not the answer because the population will just bounce back. During the Great Leap Forward in China, about 30 million people died of starvation due to famine, but immediately afterwards, the population rebounded. The best way to bring down human population and keep it down is to pollute the world and consume natural resources i.e. anti-environmentalism. If the air, water, soil, food, etc are all polluted, human population will automatically decline. The environment supports humanity. Humanity needs the environment to survive. If the environment is trashed, then humanity will disappear. If humanity disappears, then justice will be served.