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replied 2293d
Not arguing here, just asking a question you can not answer. And running out of time.
replied 2293d
I am glad SV forked off. So BCH can focus on become the best money, for everyone daily use.
replied 2293d
Being that you are in such a hurry for protocol upgrades, I hear POS is coming to ABC soon! More like 15 weeks rather than 15 years. You'll love it!
replied 2292d
POS is not ready, POW is still the best way to achieve decentralized consensus. BCH will never refuse technologies which can make it better. Scaling is the most important thing.
replied 2293d
Wow. All brick and mortar stores are going to have BCH at Point of Sale? Nice. I knew it was coming soon.
replied 2293d
Shutup troll. I can still see some of your posts. I'll only fix my blocker after memo defo switches to SV.
replied 2293d
Nope. you are the troll spreading FUD.
replied 2292d
Nixon: I am not a troll.

PoS coming to ABC in the upcoming release:
replied 2292d
Douche bag you are a troll.
replied 2292d
Don't feed the trolls. lol
replied 2292d
Can't. there is no SV QR code. LOL
replied 2292d
replied 2292d
Yep it was a big cock. LMAO
replied 2293d
If you take a look on every success technology achievement, no technology lock themself. IP protocol upgrade rarely because it relate to hardware. Incompatible change cause greate lose
replied 2293d
bitcoin runs totally based on software, except the asic miner. upgrade is an easy thing, just change or add a few lines of code will not cause someone lose money.
replied 2293d,please stop showing arrogance. There are minor and major changes.
replied 2293d
Ok, so a major change to allow for mobile use? Great. After 15 years. I agree this is a mojor change.
But there was a damn good reason for it in 2010.
replied 2293d
Yeah just name one, the biggest major change in your opinion. See how that flies.