i believe you will have a clearer view of PoW if you talk in terms of what is `does allow` instead of what it `doesn't allow`... there is only one winner per block
quickest gets rewarded; in a repeating game like PoW, efficiency & scaling will have a correlation with reliably being the quickest - being a professional wins the race - capitalism
imo it is a mistake to work on scaling by messing with the protocol. getting creative with the implementation of mining node is the way to go; it is single-threaded right now #facepalm
a competition of different creative node-scaling implementations is what is going to bring huge-block-support; stable protocol allows paralellization of these implementations
if node-devs of all implementations are busy aligning their impl with the latest protocol-changes, they aren't spending time on eliminating processing bottle-necks in the node-software
Only thing miner can do "faster" is have better connectivity to receive blocks quicker to start mining new block sooner (those with worse connectivity need to wait for block longer).
And all of this has nothing to do with Capitalism. You, same as everyone else, has this fairy tale definition of Capitalism which is not true definition of it or its principles/rules.
Capitalism is private ownership of means of production, where capitalist is the ultimate ruler & extracts profits from work of its workers. Capitalism is legal systematic exploitation.
...lets say i risk my money by investing it into some business venture; should i get a share of the profit based on the amount & the risk of the investment? what do you call this?
...lets say i risk my money by investing it into some business venture, should i get a share of the profit based on the risk & the investment i put in? what do you call this?
Its fine to want to invest into creating a business & people that HELP you achieve this, will reward you by them working & from profits you get your initial investment back & reward.
What is not fine is turning this business into perpetual machine in which you no longer keep putting work & other people doing it for you, while keep taking rewards in form of profits.
That is what is fundamentally wrong and flawed. This is why some capitalists get so extremely rich & when they are also psychopaths (which many are) you end up with complete corruption
you end up with these extremely rich people who didn't actually earn all those rewards from their own work, who then buy out & corrupt everything, politics, media, courts, you name it.
And if you think about it, who/why anyone needs or deserves to have billions while we have people in hunger and homeless? Isn't that wealth better put into helping others? It sure is.
Its this psychopathic mind that these people have, which makes them shit on humanity, fund wars and make others (politicians & MSM) to lie for them to promote war so they profit more.