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Conspiracy theory has always been under attack from two sides, the schizos and the agencies.

The schizos unwittingly and for obvious reasons, while the agencies very deliverately "muddied the waters" a long time ago.

But it took me until now to understand what happened to conspiracy theory in the last years and why it has reached new and amazing lows:

It's because of Covid-19.

The pandemic created a whole new generation of "conspiracy theorists", people who up to that point believed absolutely everything they were told by TPTB.

They fell out of the official narrative and into a new world that completely overwhelmed them. Used to believing everything they were told, they seamlessly went to believing everything they were told in this new exciting realm they had fallen into.

Without any critical thinking skills or even a concept of checking sources they immediately crowned themselves "the awoken ones" and started telling everyone that they...