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Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
For anyone who does not understand how furious I am, I've never even kissed a girl in my life, done any drugs, smoked, drank recreationally, etc. And they've had me under surveillance, harassed perpetually for over a decade. Are they looking for a scape goat when their nonsense falls apart? I hate these people. I'd probably have been married a while ago by now. And they disrupt my environment to make it difficult to accomplish anything. I like my manufacturing job now (withdrew resignation given brexit delay) because it's objectively measured. And they need the help. And its a bit rough, so, a lot of people don't like it. Complain of pain. Lots of overtime. Anyway, sigh, I like the job because it's more difficult for them to mess up. So, they harrass. Smiley faces starting at me. I hate these people.