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created poll 2150d
In case of BCH chain split I will:
Keep the coins on both chains 5 votes · 0 satoshis
Keep ABC-chain coins, sell CSW-chain coins 2 votes · 0 satoshis
Keep CSW-chain coins, sell ABC-chain coins 1 votes · 0 satoshis
Sell the coins on both chains 0 votes · 0 satoshis


replied 2150d
The better question is: which approach do you prefer? The options would be: ABC, CSW, ABC+BU (compromise), none (altcoins). I'd like to see a compromise. CSW & Ayre are toxic.
replied 2150d
Think of them what you will, but I think they are right in their priorities of feature proposals and reasoning.
replied 2150d
There will be no BCH split.
replied 2150d
False if there is an ABC chain to begin with. This is a stupid fucking poll; you should feel bad.
replied 2150d
That's why it starts with "in case of".