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replied 1988d
BCH roadmap -> small blocks... 128MB is to much, core copy pasta schnorr, DSV, cashaddr... and ETH zelouty... wormhole
replied 1988d
This is incorrect. BitcoinCash dev teams understand the importance of optimizations.

BitcoinCash devs understand that idiots can be deceived by PR scaling.
replied 1988d
Optimizations in a socialist uncompetitive manner. While copy pasting cores stuff.
replied 1988d
Not to mention that nChain's SV client is a complete carbon-copy of Bitcoin ABC 0.17.x. LOL in your face.
replied 1988d
It was forked just like ABC was. Unless you're saying it should be rather written from scratch in two months. DSV and now schnorr and maybe mimblewimble one day, that's BCH though 😆
replied 1988d
In what way is it socialist?
replied 1988d
That's ironic considering the pathetic narratives of your pathetic cult.
replied 1988d
What's next. Mimblewimble? 😆🤣😂
replied 1988d
Schnorr lol... can BCH come up with something original rather? Core zelouty is strong.
replied 1988d
Correction: BitcoinSV devs understand the idiots can be deceived by PR scaling.