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Rest in peace mute buttons...
replied 2413d
Also, the neverending loads the next items on *every* scroll. I'm starting to think we are better off helping with itself.
replied 2413d
Haha of course. I considered it but I'm having trouble setting it up locally. And I don't have a full node at the moment.
replied 2413d
Same boat for me. If I had the time, I'd try to build my own client. Friendly competition. I really appreciate what has done though already.
replied 2413d
Please. Competition would be incredible. Or at least help contribute to Memo directly! Just my thought as a random outsider.
replied 2413d
OK, here's what happened. The other day I asked memo why they didn't include the HTML 5 doctype @ top of pages & mentioned it affected how jQuery works. They have added it in update.
replied 2413d
They're doing stuff that I consider wonky though, like returning HTML from their AJAX requests & just slapping that in the page. I prefer returning JSON data & build/modify HTML in JS.
replied 2413d
Me too, it's how most sites are built these days. There's nothing wrong with server side rendering either.
replied 2412d
Have a look at it has more of that paradigm
replied 2413d
So if you change line 19 of neverEndingMemo.js to:

if(($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) > $('.footer').position().top){

it should work again.