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My new goal for this week is to help 10 people setup BitcoinCash wallets and send each wallet $1.00 worth of BitcoinCash. It sounds almost too easy.
En Fri Mand
replied 2219d
It is easy. People are really fascinated by this technology.
replied 2219d
use handcash, its perfect for the task
En Fri Mand
replied 2219d
I will wait using HandCash. I have seen some bugs in it. For example I sent some funds to it and tried sending it back to my wallet. The funds never arrived.
replied 2219d
Is it easier to use than's wallet?
En Fri Mand
replied 2219d
The $handles make it very easy. It's like an username.
replied 2219d
thanks to share
replied 2219d
I will check it out.
replied 2219d
I'll take it on too... with the new handcash wallet it'll be fun.

I'm $TheWildCard if anyone wants to test.
replied 2219d
I tried sending 2 cents with handcash, $Snugglygope
replied 2219d
ha, that's who it's from
just sent them back :)
replied 2219d
Cool, it works!
replied 2219d
handcash is a #ProofOfWork