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saved 246d
Bro, what are you here trying to accomplish? Look how many posts you have that get 0 likes or branches. That's a tragedy. I know how it feels because I've had plenty of posts like that as well. That means we're not respecting our own time. We have the energy and brainpower, but we're not directing it at the right things. We need to treat these accounts like million dollar advertising space. Every post should be supremely precious because that's how you give people the most possible value without wasting their time. Instead of verbal diarrhea, we should all be attempting to have verbal constipation. Guard our wisdom and make people pay for the privilege of interacting with us. The worst thing that happened to Twetch was that it got too cheap. Tell us about yourself and what you will do in exchange for Bitcoin. Add a photo every once in a while. Distill all the most important things you have to say and put it in a pinned post. These are my suggestions as a troll, b...