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White men are people too
2097d · Flat Earth
MrP, do you believe in FE? If so, and you were shown it was false, would you weasel out of it, saying something like "I was just having some fun with you guys"?
replied 2097d
Are you having fun? lol
Show me its false?, how ? are you taking me to the moon lol.
White men are people too
replied 2097d
I am just curious, and it is just a question. I find many FE'ers on the Internet are not serious when it comes down to it, they just like to pretend for shits and giggles I suppose.
replied 2097d
Have you ever heard of Admiral Byrd?
White men are people too
replied 2097d
Yes, I heard of him. Some dude saying something (and pilot training claims), not convincing evidence in my view. And the "any shape except globe" claim, why? Just to be contrarian?
replied 2097d
Never said it was evidence ,lol, "pilot claims and some dude saying something" seem real interested. /s
White men are people too
replied 2097d
I worded it that way because it is incredibly weak as "evidence" (like that word or not). Some people are willing to say just about anything. Why try to convince me without evidence?
replied 2097d
Im not here to convince you, i would run out of funds on memo trying to do that,lol
I have nothing to gain.You are free to think whatever you choose.
replied 2097d
replied 2097d
Im not a FE , but.....i also do not believe in the globe and moon landings any more...imo we dont know the shape and size of earth.