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replied 2341d
Because psychology is malleable unlike biological precondition.
replied 2340d
Being gay is not a choice, or illness though. How are you defining a mental illness?
replied 2340d
It is abnormal, it impairs normal functioning of a human being. So it can be classified as a disease.
replied 2339d
It doesn't actually impair normal functions though. Not all members of a species specialise in the same thing, and it is okay that some do not specialise in breeding.
replied 2339d
I actually think some people are just born wired that way. That behavior is normal for that particular individual. And it's no one else's business.
replied 2339d
Exactly. People confuse average behavior with how individuals should behave.
replied 2340d
Because it is misaligned with biological functions.
replied 2340d
Lots of things are misaligned with biological functions. That does not define a mental illness. It seems like an unrelated reason.
replied 2340d
It makes them illness, mental or not.
replied 2340d
That does not make it an illness. By that definition everyone in the world is mentally ill.
replied 2340d
Nobody's perfect indeed.
replied 2340d
Something is not a mental illness unless it prevents them from having normal interactions, or makes it difficult to live their lives in society.
replied 2340d
"prevents them from having normal interactions"

Like reproduction?
replied 2340d
Reproduction doesn't happen in the streets. Also people are not required to reproduce. So no, reproduction doesn't matter on this issue.
replied 2340d
People aren't required to have any interactions on any field if they don't want to. Your argument does not stand in any ways. Human are required to reproduce to perpetuate the race.
replied 2340d
Humanity needs reproduction. Individuals do not need to. Also, we do not reproduce in public. So my points stand. As you say, interactions are not required. You have supported my point
replied 2340d
No you didn't. You are simply trying to be apologist of biological misalignements AKA illnesses because of your social construct propagated by the MSM media.
replied 2340d
I fight against SJW's all the time bud. I think you just dknt understand this issue, or what a mental illness even is. I think you just mean you find it disgusting.
replied 2340d
I find it biologically misaligned. Which it is.
replied 2340d
Which means everyone is mentally ill, which makes the way you use the term useless. All humans do things that are biologically misaligned.
replied 2340d
Yes and an instance where an illness is generalized does not make it less of an illness. It's called an epidemic.
replied 2340d
Not really how it works with mental health issues. If everyone shares it then it is just the human condition. Especially since it is not a new issue, and is older than humanity itself.
replied 2339d
I strongly disagree this opinion based on nothing tangible.
replied 2339d
I am not willing to find links for you, but I am not simply giving opinion. Something is not classified as a mental disorder until it affects one's ability to live in society.
replied 2339d
Like reproduction?
replied 2339d
One does not have to reproduce to participate in society. Reproduction is irrelevant to the issue.
replied 2339d
Families are the fundamental basis of all societies. So reproduction is 110% relevant in this regard.
replied 2338d
Are people required to have children? Are people not able to operate in society? Are people expected to have sex in public? It no then reproduction is irrelevant.
replied 2338d
Not an argument. It's like saying does blind people can't make a living? Are you required to see to be happy?
replied 2338d
Being blind does impare your ability to take part in society. That is why it is a physical impairment. Your example deafeats your own argument.
replied 2338d
Being gay does impair your ability to reproduce yourself and ensure the perenity of the society you live in.
replied 2338d
By this can I assume you are into forced procreation? At least through social, or possibly medical pressure. Are people who choose not to have kids mentally I'll?
replied 2338d
Nope. It's not because you have legs that you are forced to use them. But not having legs still is an handicap.
replied 2338d
Hat analogy works in my favour. Having no legs makes it hard to operate in society. Not having kids does not make it hard to operate in society. Your own examples are defeating you.
replied 2338d
The perenity of your society depends on those who procreate. If its members can't procreate it's definitely an handicap for the society. I'm not sure why your trying to argue that.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2338d
Procreate - and then have that offspring be competent enough to carry the torch for another generation. To my knowledge it's never been done without a solid nuclear family foundation.
replied 2338d
I am arguing against saying everyone is required to procreate. Your premise only works if you want enforced procreation. Your point is irrelevant if it isn't required.
replied 2337d
Procreaction IS required for ANY and ALL societies to survive. Are you arguing otherwise?
replied 2337d
Societies, yes. Individuals, no. I am saying something is not an illness until it imparts your ability to function in society. You say something is an illness when you think it is icky
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2339d
Would be better is to stop having kids all together and instead have immigrants replace your country's population. All THEIR kids are much easier to indoctrinate with marxist ideology.
replied 2338d
That would make LightRider very happy.