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1409d · hmwyda - wishlists - Russia
Oh my GOD. Lets destroy comunist!
#hmwyda wishlist
1.1.Nemkova Elena – 40$
садист убивает и истязает животных, привязал бродячей собаке лапы, привязал ее к машине и утащил, собака умерла с многочисленными переломами и травмами.
Что больше всего раздражает в этой ситуации, так это то, что она чиновник и занимает государственную должность, подавая пример людям.
sadist kills and tortures animals, tied the paws of a stray dog, tied it to her car and dragged it away, the dog died with numerous fractures and injuries.
What is most annoying about this situation is that she is an official and holds public office, being an example to the people.
1.2.Skachko Evgeny – 60$
Живодер, убийца собак.
My Takes dogs off the street for money, says he will take care of them and kills them!
He does this on a regular basis, hiding behind his horses and love of animals...
1.3.Gulceha Bobokulova – 80$
Няня, которая убила своего ребенка.
This is the nanny who killed the child and walked around the streets with his head.
She was just assassinated!
She will keep on killing, then these kinds of nannies will get to our children, and justice will help them understand that they will be eventually forgiven.
1.4. Anastasia Onegin – 40$
Анастасия онегина, уибла своего мужа
Anastasia Onegina from Oryol strangled and then dismembered her young man.
And she, too, has one foot on the street, Russia has a terrible justice system.
In addition, now consists in the State Duma.
1.5.Nikolai Konstantinov – 80$
Убийца детей. Сейчас находится в тюрме. Но выйдет раньше своего срока.
A maniac child molester raped child for 20 years. The pedophile never understood that it was an offence... He got 15 years for 20 years of violence. In addition, due to the state of health, the freedom comes out before the deadline.
1.6.Valery Nikolaevich Andreev – 100$
Убито более 30 ни в чем не повинных женщин, по бездоказательным убийствам их более 100 до сих пор не задержаны.
Killed more than 30 innocent women, on unproven murders, there are more than 100, still not detained. Recently seen in the district of Moscow
1.7.Sirojiddina Sheralieva – 100$
Убивает туристов. Среди них есть дети
Migrants come and kill the natives. Until now is on freedom. According to rumors has connections in the Kremlin
This particular creature did not just kill someone, but killed 5 people, 3 of whom were children.
1.8.Timoshenko Oleg Evgenievich – 20$
Постоянно кочует из страны в страну, убивает людей за деньги, они не могут его найти.
Constantly migrates from country to country, kills people for money, they cannot find him.
It seems to have connections with Russian billionaires.
1.9.Shesterin Vladimir Viktorovich - 10$
Наемный убица.
A hired killer, considered one of the most elusive criminals.
Performs orders issued by the government
1.10 Mamonov Dmitry Evgenievich – 20$
Убил своего соседа ножем. До сих пор его не могу найти.
Killed an acquaintance with a knife, tried to blow up his apartment, 2002, fled and still can not find him.
Man with the same name has accounts on offshore.
2.1.Film Foundation – 50$
Российский Фонд Кино
Picks up budget from taxes and puts out terrible movies.
is one of the orders that approves the selection of projects that are further funded, the money goes to companies that are friends with the Cinema Foundation for further distribution of funds.
Through this fund pass corrupt transactions of propaganda.
2.2. online casinos – 40$
Онлайн казино. Не платит выигрышь.
The site is just fooling people, it is impossible to win and enjoy the game, made on his knees by simple crooks
The site belongs to the Russian Cossessing Billionaire Viktor Yushchenko.
2.3.Site with prostitution – 20$.
Фэйковые аккаунты
mostly fake profiles.
Also this scope is controlled by law enforcement agencies secret.
2.4 Сайт по заказу киллеров.
A site for ordering hitmen. prenate the same billionaire
2.5. - 90$
Массовые убийцы домашних животных
mass murder of pets
2.6. Сайт крадет деньги.
A site that turns people into debtors. under the protection of local Coruped police officers – 60$
2.7. Мощенники. Обманывают.
My colleague took money from this site, he borrowed 8,000 rubles and three months later he owed 62,000 rubles. – 70$
2.8. Делают людей бедными. - 50$.
They take money from people, they say that they will write off debts, in fact, people receive even more debts.
I saw from the site income gets only local mayor.
2.9. Продают поддержаные машины под видом новых.
Sell people stolen and repaired cars under the guise of new and clean cars. It have office in all country. - 80$
2.10. Черные риэлторы
Selling houses, taking money from clients, houses are never finished building. Police does not pay attention to it - 10$
3.1. Группа красноярских сатонистов.
Krasnoyarsk Region Satanist Group - $70
Three of them were caught for ritual murder, they are still teenagers.Parents of one of the children are urban politicians.
3.2. Любые видео-садисты
any guys of sadistic video bloggers - $70
promoted a cult of cruelty and violence online
3.3 Любые парни из насильников - 20 долларов
They were deducting money from Russians and withdrawing it in bitcoins. Gave a bribe a policeman and now on freedom.
3.4 Все мощенники - обменники.
any guys of crooks stole money - $10
They were deducting money from Russians and withdrawing it in bitcoins. In freedom.
3.5. Телефонные мощенники.
any guys of phone scammers - $10
Seven men and a girl, introduced themselves as bank employees and asked to send money to them, lol. Often call from prisons. prisons Guards do not pay attention to it.
3.6. Группы людей, которые продавали фильтры для воды.
any guys that sold water filters for $800 - $23
They were telling people about the unique properties of water purification using the filter they bought at the nearest store and sold it to the retired people. Scammers. Give bribes police.
3.7 Людей, котоыре грабяд пенсионеров.
any guys of robbed blind pensioners - $20
on their account 11 victims
3.8. Снова группа пострадавших миллионеров.
Again, the group on pensioners - $100. These scammers have ties with the mayor of the city
3.9. Вымогатели в алмате.
Extortionist group in Almaty - $30
A criminal group of extortionists has been detained in Almaty region, reports At the end of September of this year, two 35-year-old residents of Kapshagay city applied to the Almaty Region Police Department for extortion of large sums of money. Attackers took 400,000 tenge from one and 240,000 tenge from the other, and continue to extort another $600.
3.10. Группа вымогателей ломбародов.
Group of extortionists extorting money from pawnbrokers - $20
Next, transactions pass through Yakutia to Moscow through fake accounts. Police does not pay attention