Proper bottom up bootstrapping path is key to develop. Would also solve lot of immigration issues world wide. I m thinking really hard these days, now that we have Lighthouse!
One question you may be able to suggest an answer if you are familiar with this topic is where non-profit learning is welcomes in Asia or Pacific areas ?
what am I thinking... other than, if only I could make it compulsory that this site be the entry point to any learning culture:
Which prompts an idea: would it be practical to not 'fork' but launch a new (non-monetized BCHcode) blockchain just for this? To store, immutably, student dox. IPFS i know, but...
nothing against money, just thinking to keep the coin off the centralized market exchanges - in the hands of participants. keeping ownership away from banksters
Perhaps weakly composed, I retry: The basic idea is to have an educational 'achievement' token? market which needs to be -exclusively-unpoisoned- by government and bankster meddling.
I think that can all be done in OP_RETURN for pennies. One of the regulars at the Tokyo BCH meetup is doing land registry on-chain. The future is OP_RETURN or it didn't happen imo.
Almost exactly, but without BCH ticker value. The chain would reference something like IPFS for document stores or -? I am still thinking this through ! OP_RETURN puts legs on BCH !
Let the banks have some BCH, if they invest it wisely they'll make more! If they trust a corrupt government agency to tell them what loans they have to give out, they'll go bankrupt!
I am working on the answer to this. Jefferson wanted it provided by government - but this is completely wrong. There is a better way. I seek some programming help perhaps.
5/?: such effort might reinvent "internet/gaming cafes" as localized shops where participants can share physical resources. Agency/node supporting local users will be needed.
4/? no dedicated teachers - teachers must earn by effort in open arenas. no grading ['beauty contests'] - documented achievements demonstrate merit to those who seek talent.
3/?: a place which demonstrates by its very functionality how State and other authoritarian schools are merely social programming factories. I will refrain from detail here, but:
2/?: By context = a place to belong+own their reputation. Each a 'classroom' they own - not any State or Religion nor any other Authoritarian entity. A place to grow a CVresume.
something similar, upside down: a decentralized framework for students (not teachers), an unschool we can extend to the great unbanked giving students anywhere a context. 1/?