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2275d · Upcoming white genocide in South Africa.
replied 2274d
No use crying about it now. There is no white genocide, they are not killing them. They just want their stuff back. They want their country back. They refuse to be second class citizen
replied 2269d
“According to 2017 estimates, 8.8% of the country’s population... is coloured, but the number of coloured people who have indigenous ancestry and currently identify as Khoisan
replied 2269d
replied 2265d
How is that white genocide? And anyway, neither khoikhoi nor san have any admixture with Euros, so I still don't get the point.
replied 2249d
Not saying there’s a white genocide. Saying the black people with legitimate indigenous claims are different from the ones demanding land.
replied 2269d
Or are all black people the same to you?
replied 2265d
Of course not, there is more diversity in the negro than all other populations combined. But there is no evidence of any genocide. Its just fud like they do in cryptos. Lies.
replied 2269d
you sure it's 'their country'? "indigenous groups are estimated to comprise approximately 1%"
replied 2265d
100%, there's a castle in SA from 1000AD that was built by 'the bantus'. I read a french article the other day that clearly delinated historical medival territories down there.
replied 2249d
ok... so 1% are indigenous. & the claim for the majority of black south africans?
replied 2274d
They are lazy ass rats who want to steal and consume the work of others. Once they do there will be no one left producing crops and will starve even more.
replied 2274d
Who do you think is working the farms now? They're white owned, not white worked. Europeans didn't know how to farm and learned how from the natives. They also didn't have seasoning
replied 2269d
managing is a different skill from following directions. same reason communist factories aren't magically productive when taken over by workers
replied 2265d
There were negros.
replied 2265d
Look, the fact is there is nothing that the european's have that the aboriginal negros need. Negros have been around for a long time don't you know that? Before caucasians existed
replied 2249d
you sure about that? if anyone could do it, anyone would be doing it…
replied 2274d
Africans don't learn. That's the problem.
replied 2274d
Africans were learning when Europeans lived in barns my friend. The university of timbuktu in Mali had more than 1 mil Centuries old manuscripts in the 1400s.
replied 2274d
Too bad they are now too busy to fight each others.
replied 2274d
That's not true. Africans have way better health outcomes than most of the west. More ppl die of heart disease, stroke and cancer in the US than in ALL OF AFRICA. They're fine.
replied 2274d
This guy is a liar. He is hiding the truth and making like 'oh these guys just happen to be white and getting their land taken'. No. They descend from people who STOLE the land first.
replied 2275d
This is a good thing. The land wasn't theirs to begin with. The Dutch/Afrikaneers stole it from blacks. 8% own 70% of the land. In an majority black country. You wouldn't like that