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replied 2171d
Birthmark that resembles "666" and the ability to type "bcash" repeatedly
En Fri Mand
replied 2171d
replied 2171d
How do you upload stuff to ipfs?
En Fri Mand
replied 2171d
at you can upload up to 100MB for free. If you want to you can pin it on your own IPFS node afterwards to help seeding the file.
replied 2171d
IPFS still sucks so hard to use... This tech has been being hyped for years, and while I admit I don't fully understand how it works, it seems to be about as useful as it was in 2015.
En Fri Mand
replied 2171d
It's very slow for big files IMO
replied 2170d
Yeah, so slow that it is totally impractical for most things I want to download with it (movies, tv, etc).
En Fri Mand
replied 2170d
Agree. Personally I have been hoping for this to become better
replied 2171d
Is it accessible on the same address even if it's host changes between my node and theirs?
En Fri Mand
replied 2171d
Yes. It uses the hash of the file as address.