// for windows
* NB: since truffle-hdwallet-provider 0.0.5 you must wrap HDWallet providers in a
* function when declaring them. Failure to do so will cause commands to hang. ex:
* ```
* mainnet: {
* provider: function() {
* return new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, 'https://mainnet.infura.io/<infura-key>')
* },
* network_id: '1',
* gas: 4500000,
* gasPrice: 10000000000,
* },
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
// See <http://truffleframework.com/docs/advanced/configuration>
// to customize your Truffle configuration!
contracts_build_directory: path.join(__dirname, 'client/src/contracts'),
networks: {
development: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 8545,
network_id: '*', // Match any network id
compilers: {
solc: {
version: "0.6.6", // DeFiat v1 smart contract uses this solc version